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David the Gnome Rien Poortvliet Classic 2046 Rien New NO Box

Rien Poortvliet

SKU: Netherlands

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David the Gnome Rien Poortvliet Classic  2046 Rien New NO Box

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Rien Poortvliet Classic David Gnome 2046 Rien 
Extremely Rare Hard to Find Statue from the Collection 
Famous Artist Rien Poortvliet Master work 
Classic Gnomes from the Forest, Villages and Friends
2046 Rien 
8cm x 9.5cm 
3 inch x 3.7 inch 
Item nr 361000016   
Box measures 
13 x 10 x 8.5 cm 
5.11 x 3.93 x 3.34 inch 
Brand new NO box 

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