Canadian Artist Catherine Sgro
Samantha's Prayer
Art on Wood
One of Famous Canadian Artist Catherine Sgro Artworks
being displayed on wood
This painting is titled - Samantha's Prayer
Very cute with Samantha at the side of her bed praying
On her bed are her favorite teddy bear and her dolls
The art has a signature on the bottom of CATHERINE SGRO
Her painting has been put onto wood
I am unsure as to what technique is used to put this onto wood
Matte finish
There is a groove out of the back of the wood to hang onto a nail
Size - 10" x 8"
"Today, she has her works published and distributed
in galleries and stores across Canada and the United States
and is recognized as an exemplary artist for her accomplishments"
"Founder of Woodbridge Art School, Catherine is an accomplished artist and teacher,
who has been teaching fine arts to adults and children for over 18 years.
Catherine and her staff have been featured on City TV's Breakfast television,
Rogers Television, TLN and local Newspapers.
Catherine was also honoured with York Regions 2004 "Woman of the Year" Award
for Visual Artist & teacher"